Archive for the ‘stretches’ Tag

Week 11, Day 5

8:30 am? morning run — I didn’t look at the clock, about 25 minutes. 2 1/2 loops around Cadman Plaza Park (super cold and windy, planned on doing 3 1/2 loops, but too cold), down Clark Street to the Promenade, down to Water Street, stopped at the bakery, and store for orange juice, brisk walk/jog in between stores and home. Too cold to walk only. 

4 rounds of the sun salutation, 2 sets 6 repetitions (on my knees) pushups, 2 sets 1 arm rows (8 pounds, 12 reps) and stretches!  Mateo joined for a somersault, upward dog and other stretches. First time back doing these type of exercises in a long time: the worst of the 1st trimester is over!!!!!

Pedometer: 5139 Steps

12:30 – 7:30 — various moderate walking around Macy’s.

Pedometer: 12218 Steps

Week 11, Day 2

This is being written on Week 11, Day 6, I’m a bit behind:

Activity that I remember doing: 8:00 moderate 15 minute walk, more moderate walking, 12:00 brisk 10 minute walk. 12:45 brisk 15 minute walk. No pedometer…

Week 10, Day 4

6:00 AM  15 minute brisk walk

6:15 AM 25 minute run (4 Columbia Heights hills and promenade), light leg stretches

7:10 AM 15 minute brisk walk

8:25 AM 15 minute brisk walk plus various short walks

11:30 AM 35 minutes brisk walking plus errands

Pedometer total: 14315

Week 10, Day 3

7:10 AM , Brisk 15 minute walk, 

7:30 AM 40 minute moderate walk and leg stretches

8:25 Am 15 minute brisk walk 

Pedometer: 7653 Steps

10:00 AM, Leisurely walks interspersed with carrying 25 pound toddler, bag and umbrella until 1:00 PM

Pedometer: 12900 Steps

4:00 PM 20 minutes pushing toddler in stroller, 6:00 running errands.

Total steps for day: 17180

Tuesday, Week 6, day 1

6:00 AM brisk 15 min. walk followed by run, 3 loops around Cadman Plaza Park. Leg stretches

8:35 9378 Steps

10:20 forgot pedometer for walk and park playing

4:00-6:00 More park playing 

Pedometer: 12868 Steps

Sat am for Friday

Walked and worked –6:30 to 11:45 am 

Pedometer: 10387 Steps

Walked — leisurely 4:30 -6:00 

Pedometer: 3803 steps

10:00 — while watching the presidential debate stretches, two sets of 12 pushups, (half on knees) one arm rows with 11 pounds – 2 sets,  1 set 3 pound shoulder flys